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Responsible Business Research Seminar 15-16.3.2023

Lotta Sihvo Matikainen

Hybrid seminar, Tampere University, Faculty of Management and Business

What does corporate responsibility mean in today’s society? How do responsible and ethical aspects appear in different business models and business environments? How can we conduct research about these aspects and develop them further?

The Responsible Business Research Seminar is organised in order to increase the visibility and to promote research on business responsibility, sustainability and ethics in Finland. In 2023, the seminar is organised for the 11th time. Languages of the seminar are Finnish and English.

The Research Seminar encourages the networking of researchers and aims at advancing responsible business to become an important research field in Finland. The Research Seminar offers an opportunity for researchers in the field to present their research projects and results as well as to share ideas and experiences of doing research.

Join us as we welcome Irene Henriques, Professor of Sustainability and Economics at the Schulich School of Business, York University to speak on the power of shared value creation.

Keynote speaker of the year is Irene Henriques, a Professor of Sustainability and Economics and Area Coordinator of Economics at the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto, and former Co-Editor of Business & Society. She is an Affiliate Research Scholar for the Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation (RICSI) and serves as representative at large to the Board of Governors for the Academy of Management, the largest professional organization in the field of management with over 18,000 members. Her research interests span economics, stakeholder management and sustainability. She has published numerous articles in leading economic and management journals including the American Economic Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management and Journal of Management Studies. Irene has served as Chair of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management and the Strategy Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. She has also served as Chair of the Joint Public Advisory Committee to the US, Canadian and Mexican Environment Ministers under NAFTA (the Commission for Environmental Cooperation). Her book, Salvaging Corporate Sustainability, with Michael Barnett and Bryan Husted was recently published by Edward Elgar Press.

Important dates

17.2.2023 Deadline for abstracts (200 words)

3.3.2023 Notification of accepted abstracts, conference program published

28.2.2023 Deadline for registration (participation at the university)

13.3.2023 Deadline for registration (online participation)

15.–16.3.2023 Responsible Business Research Seminar

Abstract submission and registration are open at

Abstracts and presentations can be in Finnish or English.

The Seminar is free of charge and open for all.

Financial support of the Foundation for Economic Education is gratefully acknowledged!

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Action4Commons 2022-2026. The Action4Commons project has received funding from the Academy of Finland under grant agreement no: 351328.

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